It fills me with great pleasure that today, on the first of September 2021, the INDIGO graffiti project officially starts. It was July last year when I had the idea to explore the possibility of documenting all graffiti along the Viennese Donaukanal. In the following weeks, the idea matured, and positive meetings with Stefan (SprayCity), Alexander (ACDH-CH) and Norbert (TU Wien) followed. Three competitive reviewing rounds and many meetings later, we can finally start materialising this initial idea.
I am delighted with the group of people that we have brought together. It is a healthy and international mix of young and experienced, male and female scholars working in the softer and harder sciences. I hope that we exploit much of the potential hidden within INDIGO | I hope we can achieve great things together | and I hope we can be proud of our deliverables. Finally, I wish everyone involved in INDIGO many positive vibes through unique personal collaborations and new (non)academic partnerships. In that way, INDIGO and each of its project members could/should have the same goal: explore new academic, artistic and socially exciting pathways.
Geert – INDIGO project leader