please help us inventory


this hashtag is for graffitists – please use it on social media if you want to notify the INDIGO team of your latest work

INDIGO report form

in the following form, “grafitto” refers to any possible personal expression attached to the urban surfaces along the Donaukanal: sticker, spraying, painting, poster, stencil, etching

Name / pseudonym *
Use artist name if you have one
Fill out this field
Email (not obligatory)
Only if you want us to contact you
Fill out this field
Date *
When did you create/observe this graffito?
Fill out this field
Location *
Please describe the location of the graffito
Fill out this field
Technique description (colours, fonts, painting material) *
Please describe all possible technical aspects of this graffito
Fill out this field
Content description (composition, text, meaning) *
Please describe the content of graffito
Fill out this field
Do you support the aims of INDIGO?
Please choose one option
Select an option
Captcha 28 + 7 = ?
Enter the calculation result
Enter the equation result to proceed
Agreement checkbox *
Confirm your agreement
You need to agree with the terms to proceed

this hashtag is for graffitists – please use it on social media if you want to notify the INDIGO team of your latest work