Geert Verhoeven
project leader | archaeologist
Geert graduated in Archaeology in 2002 and received his PhD degree in 2009 from Ghent University (UGent, Belgium). Besides teaching activities at the Universities of Ghent and Vienna, Geert is a senior researcher at (and vice director of) the LBI ArchPro, where he has been researching airborne photography and imaging spectroscopy, archaeological image fusion, scientific photography, and image-based 3D modelling. These techniques are explored to improve existing data acquisition and information extraction procedures within archaeology and cultural heritage at large.
In INDIGO, Geert is managing the short- and long-term goals, taking care of daily management and making sure the project runs as smoothly as possible. He is one of the main graffiti photographers and lends a hand in most other scientific activities of INDIGO, many of which are closely tied to his general scholarly interests.