Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz

archaeologist | software developper

Bernhard received his BSc in Computer Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and is currently writing his master thesis in History at the University of Vienna. As his field of studies implies, he is generally interested in the interaction between history and the digital world, especially with spatial data. This brought him to the OpenAtlas team at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, where he is responsible for API and related software developments. Besides his work for OpenAtlas, he is also part of the long-term project Tabula Imperii Byzantini at the Institute for Medieval Studies at the Academy of Sciences.

Bernhard’s main responsibility in the INDIGO project is the smooth connection between the OpenAtlas database, where the metadata of the graffiti are stored, and all other software systems connecting to OpenAtlas (like the visualization platform).
